Saturday, 24 October 2009

Message from Jane

Dear All,
What an experience we are all having with our friends in Manila!

Today David, Sarah, Grace and I visited Block 37, first to the feeding programme where Sarah and Grace helped to serve food to the needy children, then to meet various members of the community that HOM have been able to help. We met Ana Rose who has had her first operation to repair her cleft palate and hare lip. She seems so much stronger than when I visited her earlier in the year.

We met one lady whose shanty was completely destroyed in the typhoon, she is also very poorly with a cough and malnourished, living in what we would consider a garden shed with a curtain for one of the walls. We are really hoping that some of the money raised for flood relief may be able to be used to help this poor lady and her family.

This evening the girls (the two Sarahs and Grace) have gone to the youth group's initiative of starting Bible Study in the communities. They are going to three separate groups so we are hoping they will be well looked after and praying for their safety in the communities in the dark!

If they have enough energy after this they will be joining Carol for music practise to prepare for the service tomorrow.

David is preparing his sermon for tomorrow-Sally told him the preaching usually lasts an hour-so watch out St Thomas when he returns!

We miss you very much John and wish you were here with us. Yesterday the girls were shown the house you helped to renovate and told that five families sheltered there during the floods. The Nanna of the family was in tears as she recounted this story and remembered your goodness.

Thank you to Aunite Fran and Uncle Bob and to many others who continue to pray for us. We really value your prayers for us and for the work of HOM. Please continue!

God bless, much love from Jane xx

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