Monday, 26 October 2009

Church as it is meant to be?

Yesterday we went to church at the Manila 'Mercy Church' which is behind the 'Hands of Mercy'  charity.

Wow! What a church! Lovely, lovely people who are a wonderful community made up mainly of residents from the squatter communities that Hands of Mercy seeks to support. These are people who have very hard lives indeed, and yet are full of life as they seek to support one another.

We were made very welcome and quickly joined in the vibrant worship, led by a lively band. This band supported Carol, Sarah M, Sarah A and Grace as they led some English worship songs, and this was then followed by some Filipino songs. Very uplifting.

I then preached, with translation by Sally - an interesting experience to have to keep stopping for the Tagalog translation. I think it went well. The community was certainly very responsive and encouraging. I was told to preach for an hour - nobody in England has ever asked me to do that before!

Church continued with communal lunch, chatting and lots of laughs (and a few tears and prayers for people in need).

We then had a youth service (which was also attended by many older people). The youth were very engaged in all they did and Ian led an excellent session comparing the UK with the Philippines and stressing that we are all one! We may have various differences, but we have a common unity.

Church finished for Ian and myself leading a men's group with men from the community who have many needs and yet care obviously very strong, committed dignified people.

Church as it is meant to be? Yes, I think this was as near as I have seen it yet. God centred and yet reaching out in love to their very needy communities.

A privilege to be part of. (And as they would shout out - 'Amen!'

1 comment:

  1. thanks for coming to bless our people!your labor in the Lord Jesus Christ is not in vain!keep up the good work!
